Hello again!!
Im so sorry I have not written in so long. After the baby was born I had many medical issues. I had a hernia and Im about to go have my 2nd surgery to fix this.
Anyways, the baby was born on April4th. She was a healthy 7pound baby girl named Olivia. She is now 3 months old and very happy. She is a huge baby girl now. About 15 pounds now!!
Tony and I have decided to adopt again so we are going to start blogging again so people can follow us on this journey to decide what child to adopt and where to adopt from. We do not want to rush into this. I really want to enjoy Livy for the time being. It takes so long to adopt anyways so we will have plenty of time to enjoy her grow!!
The other children are all well and enjoying their summer. I think they mostly play on the x-box and swim. We are planning a family trip to the beach, then a cruise in October. We tend to cruise when it is cheaper with all the kids!!
I hope I have not lost all my followers! We will be blogging more from now on!
I hope everyone is well and having a great summer!
Living my life on the wild side
Monday, July 16, 2012
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Its been way to long!!
The baby bump!!
Me and my little Eli
Once again I have forgotten about my blog. I got very involved on facebook and seem to never find time to do this.

Me and my little Eli

Once again I have forgotten about my blog. I got very involved on facebook and seem to never find time to do this.
I am now 28 weeks pregnant. This baby is another Girl!! We think we will name her Olivia Hope but it keeps changing. The kid's are so excited about this baby. They all know this is it for momma. I am getting my tubes tied. I have ever been in so much pain as I am now!! My lower back is in so much pain that I can barely get up and walk in the mornings. The Doctor may take her a little early. For now my c-section date is April 6th. She will be a good Friday baby.
As far as everyone else we are doing well. I still do not have many friends here, but its very hard to get out and make them anyways. My neighbors are still very frustrating to me. I have one that I really get along with. She is like my second mother!! She is always taking care of me, but now she might be moving in March.
We are buying land in March and planning on slowly building a house. For now we can go and put horses and animals on it and just go out there everyday until the house is built. This has aways been my dream!
I'm getting the babies ready for school now so i will try to write more later. Thank everyone for praying for this little baby. We are so excited to see this new baby!!
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Due date Of APRIL13TH
I find myself always saying sorry because I don't write as often, I just a bad blogger. The past 2 months have bee horrible on me. I have never had a pregnancy when I have been so ill. From the day I found out I was pregnant I was throwing up at least 3 times a day. I have even been hospitalized two times now. This is why I really have not been writing. I AM NOT complaining though. I know that because I have been so ill, that this means everything is going well with the baby. I have seen the baby 2 times now on the sonogram. She is a very cute little bean right now. Last time she was sucking her thumb. I will find out this week if she is a boy or girl. We call her a girl because the heart beat is 172. All my babies have been girls, and their heart beats have been very high. We will see though!!!
I am sooo thankful for everyone that has prayed for this little baby. I would have been devastated if anything happened this time. I'm grateful God is giving the chance once again to be a mommy. I am having my tubes tied this time!
My last post someone asked me to explain how we live and to tell a little bit about our home and how we sleep 11 kid's. Our last home was a lot smaller, and actually Tony and I liked the feel of that more. We all watched TV in the movie room and were a lot closer. This time the house is more spread out and we don't tend to see all the kids in the same spot as much. We are a close family and enjoy being next to each other. This home is 5,000sq ft. It has 5 bedrooms. The boy's share a room with each other, the two oldest. Then my oldest daughter who is 14 has her own room. The 3 girls from 11 to 8 share the largest room. The babies have a room downstairs where they all 3 share a room. Right now Emma the 5 yr old still sleeps in my room, but she has a room that she will share with the baby when it arrives. I really like this house, but I miss San Antonio so much. I feel like me and Tony made a mistake in buying this home. I think we fell in love with its beauty and did not think it through. The neighbors are all older and tend to not be crazy about us, and they just are not to friendly. We were looking at houses in the country when we moved here and I just wish we had stuck to that. I always have conflict with neighbors and its really depressing when you no not one person to talk to. I'm still trying to make friends, but that's hard to when you have 11 kids. I have found a great church and that keeps me going for now. I know it will get better and we will meet people, I just have to keep praying about it and what God wants us to do.
As far as the other kids, everyone is well here. The babies are doing great in school and getting so big. Eli has bee a little bitter lately. This is something we are trying to get under control.
This weekend we are going back to San Antonio to visit everyone. I enjoy these times when I get to see my old friends. It gives me hope I will have this once again here.
I'm going to end now. Ill try to write more now that I'm not so sick anymore. Ill write after we find out what the baby is. Thanks again for every ones support with this little bean!!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
New surprises

I was due to have a foot surgery this week. I have had a burning pain in my foot and they going to do a surgery to help get rid of the pain. I also had another surgery set up, one to get my tubes tied. We had decided to risk was to high for me and the baby, and we did not want to have another miscarriage. Before my surgery I was required to take a pregnancy test. Well Friday afternoon we found out we were expecting. We were even trying to be very safe. I was totally shocked. God had other plan's. So far I have been throwing up everyday for 7 day's. I have been having a lot of tummy pain, which everyone seems' to say is good news!! I have an appointment to go to the Dr and then I will start the shot's in my tummy. This will help me and the baby from my blood clotting disorder. We are very happy about this baby, just a little shocked!!
The kid's are all very excited as well. The babies of course do not get it yet, but I think when the baby comes they will be very happy.
We had to put the adoption aside for the moment. They will not let me adopt at the beginning of this pregnancy. As soon as we get out of this scary stage we will start the process up again. We never found the child that we both agreed on, but we did decide NOT to adopt HIV kids.I love that people can do it, and we would. The reason we are not is because our family is NOT supportive of it at all. We just got tired of trying to explain it to everyone. There are so many other children out there as well. We just need to get through this pregnancy first.
School is close to starting. I have all but 1 child going to school this yr. I'm so afraid to send my little Emma to kinder because I'm afraid she will get so sad. For me that really bothers me. I'm praying she does well and makes friends fast. If not I do not mind pulling her out and homeschooling her!!
That's all I have for now. Trying to write for often than normal!! Have a great day!!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Our New Adoption!!!!

Tony and I have decided to adopt again. This is something that we have talked about for awhile, but nothing we really thought we would do soon. After we lost our second baby we really started to pray about what God wanted us to do. We thought maybe he wanted us to even be done having and adopting kids. We knew in our hearts that we did not want to be done though. As we sat in church one Sunday, we listened as the entire sermon was on adopting orphans. It was a total God thing!! We knew he was speaking to us. It was literally the night before that we sat there and prayed about what we needed to do.
We then began the process of picking a child. This has been a huge challenge for us. We ended up deciding to pick a child with HIV, and an older child, then we decided to take two!!
So... As of right now we are taking two boy's named Rafferty, and James. They are both from the Ukraine and they are both HIV positive. One of them is 6, and the other is 7. If all goes well we will start the process next week.
Please pray for us on this journey as we find out about the wait of the adoption and the cost, and if they will even let us with having 10 kids already!
We will post pictures when we know for sure and we will give more details as soon as possible!!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Big Apologies!!
I have to start out by saying I AM SO SORRY!!! I am the worse blogger ever. I would not doubt it if I even have people following me anymore!! I used to write a lot, but after we moved to Plano Texas things just got very busy!! There just is not a good excuse, I'm sorry!
Everything here is good. We still have not meet a lot of people so the summer has been a little boring for the kids. We just went back home to San Antonio for the last week and saw all of our friends. That was good, but taking trips now with the 3 babies is so hard. Nessie is still going through her crying stage which now I wonder if she will ever stop doing. She just gets so mad. She tries putting on shoes, or clothes and if she can not do it she just sits there and screams off the top of her lungs!! Lesska is well. She follows me EVERYWHERE i go. Its really cute at times!! She copies everything I do to. She is my little helper. Eli is just a handsome little guy. Eli is mellow. He likes to lay with his blanket everywhere. They all do very well in the car!!
My other kids are adjusting well here. They enjoy the pool. They are in it everyday! Right now that's really all they have. I'm praying after school starts again they will make a lot of friends. I know I will home school at least one of my kids, but we have not really had that talk yet!!
Our biggest news for now is that we are adopting again!! After my miscarriage I got pregnant again, then lost that baby as well. I finally did a lot of testing and found out I have a blood clotting disorder. I would have to take a lot of meds and such to keep the baby. I will have another baby at some point, but for now we feel like God wants us to adopt. We are not sure who yet, but we will post as soon as we know for sure.
I will post some pictures as soon as I get my other computer working! Thanks again
Everything here is good. We still have not meet a lot of people so the summer has been a little boring for the kids. We just went back home to San Antonio for the last week and saw all of our friends. That was good, but taking trips now with the 3 babies is so hard. Nessie is still going through her crying stage which now I wonder if she will ever stop doing. She just gets so mad. She tries putting on shoes, or clothes and if she can not do it she just sits there and screams off the top of her lungs!! Lesska is well. She follows me EVERYWHERE i go. Its really cute at times!! She copies everything I do to. She is my little helper. Eli is just a handsome little guy. Eli is mellow. He likes to lay with his blanket everywhere. They all do very well in the car!!
My other kids are adjusting well here. They enjoy the pool. They are in it everyday! Right now that's really all they have. I'm praying after school starts again they will make a lot of friends. I know I will home school at least one of my kids, but we have not really had that talk yet!!
Our biggest news for now is that we are adopting again!! After my miscarriage I got pregnant again, then lost that baby as well. I finally did a lot of testing and found out I have a blood clotting disorder. I would have to take a lot of meds and such to keep the baby. I will have another baby at some point, but for now we feel like God wants us to adopt. We are not sure who yet, but we will post as soon as we know for sure.
I will post some pictures as soon as I get my other computer working! Thanks again
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Emd of the year
The end of the year is fast approaching. The kid's are getting really excited about being out of school. Ill be just as excited once I find a nanny. I have been looking for over a month now. So many people say they want the job, then never show up.
The three babies are doing well right now. Eli is almost about to walk. I know he can, he just does not want to. I think he gets around faster by doing his bear crawl. Nessie is still yelling all the time, but I do think she is getting better. Leeska has started going through another strange stage. She has started doing everything opposite of what we tell her. She is just trying to see what she can get away with or not, I think.
We think we have found a church that we all like. I want to give it one more Sunday before we decide for sure. It has a great kids center. They seem to really enjoy it a lot.
As far as making friends, we have not done that yet. I just don't know how to get out there and meet people. There is not alot of activities or anything to go out and meet people. Im hoping once summer comes things will change and maybe more people will start coming out.
Well, Just wanted to keep everybody updated on the kids and how we are adjusting to Plano. We still are not pregnant yet, but we are still trying. So,,, soon enough I hope.
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