Saturday, September 4, 2010

Just a Bad week!

I have not posted in a few days because this has just got to be a very bad week. After Eli getting sick and chocking we had yet more drama. First the 2 girls had their eye surgery. Everything went well, so we are hoping now that their eyes will not cross anymore and that they can see better. We will not know anything for about a month.
Now, I don't know if I have spoken much about this baby Addison I have been watching, but I will tell you now. My neighbor has an 18 yr.old daughter that had a friend that literally dropped her baby off at my neighbors and took off for three days. I helped watch the baby to. A few days later the mom asked me to watch her again, so when I picked the baby up we sat and talked for awhile. She was telling me that she had a horrible mom and just wanted to learn to be a good mom, so I told her I would love to help her out. She agreed to take my help. I know now she was just using me. She would still leave the baby overnight. I then told her I would only babysit for her to go get a job, not go out. She called me yesterday and asked me once again to watch her. I told the mom I was going to Austin overnight and she agreed to let me watch the baby overnight in Austin. While I was there I had to come back to San Antonio to get medication for my babies. I sent her a text to tell her then came home. While I was at home my neighbors 18 yr old saw me at home and called the mom and asked her where her baby was because I was at home without her baby. I guess she never got my text so she calls me cussing me out telling me to get her baby back right now or she was going to call the cops. To this point I know my neighbors said something to her that was not true for her to react the way she did. They knew my brother was a doctor and I think they told the mom that my brother was going to look at the bump on her head and it freaked her out. This baby has a huge bump that she is always grabbing. Anyways, she did call the cops on me. She told them I kidnapped the baby. So now I'm freaking out. My brother called me a lawyer and he dealt with the cops. The night ended with me giving her the baby and not going to jail , but I was soooo hurt by so many people. My neighbor was a good friend of mine and I thought she would be worried about me and care about what was happening, but because I told her that this would not have happened if her daughter had not said anything to the mom she said the most hurtful things ever. She told me I was never really her friend and I was a bad mom. I was soo shocked. This is the neighbor that we have had issues with before. I guess we were not ever really good friends anyways. Its just sad because all in all I was just trying to do a good thing for someone that needed help. I'm still so hurt that she would call the cops on me. That is how our weekend was. Now I'm going to take a nap because the night was full of tears and trying to understand. A lesson was learned that I just can not trust people like I used to!


  1. I'm so sorry you had to endure such a horrible experience, especially when all you were doing was trying to help. God Bless you for being such a caring person who would think of others first. You KNOW that you are a good Mom, and God knows that you are a good Mom also. That is all that matters! Hugs to you!

  2. Oh my gosh! You are a good mom. I can't believe someone could do that! You were helping her out. The mom sounds a little crazy. I feel sorry for the child involved.

  3. Hi this is the first time on your blog. I can't wait to learn more about your family. Sorry about your bad week. I can't believe what happened with your friend and neighbor. I think we all take the risk of getting hurt when we reach out to others. I hope you continue to take the chance even though you were hurt. You will be blessed for being so caring.

  4. Oh, how terrible! Sorry, to hear that you had a bad week. I'll keep praying for you. Unfortunately, people do hurt you when you reach out. Usually it comes from deep hurt in their own lives. As Christians we should keep reaching out in love, even though it is hard. I have been told to my face that people didn't want me for a friend, but I kept trying and they changed their mind. Last year I tried to help a fellow student who was struggling with the class we shared. We would set times to study together and she wouldn't show up. After about three times she apologized. I didn't get mad, although it was hard not too, being stood up three times. She finally admitted that she was a single mother, and she was falling asleep in her car during our study times. Her son had been keeping her up at night, and it was the only time she could sleep. I wish she would have just told me the first time it happened, but I'm glad I kept my temper in check. Sometimes it is hard to be a disciple!

  5. Ugh, I am sorry you are dealing with this crazyness! HUGS!
