Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Im Back

Well I know my last post was very depressing, and I was not in much of a mood to really write a lot. Its been a week now and I am getting better, but it still hurts. The Dr said if I wanted to get pregnant again I need to do it now. I guess after a miscarriage is the best time to get pregnant because you have left over HCG and stuff in your body to help hold the pregnancy. So... we are going to start trying again. This will be our last baby, biologically. We really do not know what God will call us to as far as adopting. We know he has blessed us so much with these sweet babies. Eli will turn 3 on March 1rst. I just cant believe how far they have all come. Eli is the sweetest thing now when it is time to give Kissee's/ He puckers his little lips out so far and Wat's for his sweet kissy!
We did finally get a house. The house we ended up with is in Plano. I really like the house. It has 6 bedrooms and it has a pool. The yard is smaller than I like, but it is nice. I think right now we will move on March 14th. I'm just ready for all of this to be over!!! I'm going to have a really hard time when we go at first because I'm going to really miss everyone here in San Antonio. I just pray it works out and works out fast.
Ill leave you with sweet Eli and his Kissy picture, he is such a sweet baby. Then there i a picture of Sweet Nessie!


  1. Hi! I'm praying for you and your precious family as you get settled into your new home.

    I've bookmarked your blog for a couple reasons. I'm also an adoptive momma, but of just one baby at this time. And I have three bio boys as well. I would love to adopt more...and between you and me, I think my husband is starting to jump on board with the idea. Believe me, all I need is the tiniest bit of green light!

    We are also a homeschooling family. And we currently live in Corpus Christi, so I was a little sad to see that you were moving farther away. My husband is in the military, so we will be moving again this summer, but for a little while, we were only a couple hours south of y'all!

    May God bless your family!

    In Christ,

  2. Hi, from a stranger named Debbie, is all ok, you have not posted in a while?, which I am happy about also cause I used to wonder when and how you got the time to post. I have one adopted boy who is 3 and I hardly have time to do anything. I hope you know its not important to tell your blog friends how things are going, but more important to take care of your family, each one of them. And from reading your blog you really have enough to handle. As much as I would love to adopt every orphan in the world, I can't. From reading your blog you seem to think the more kids the better, the better for who? you? I don't think so. Be very thankful for what you have, your not impressing anyone, you have to deal with this large family every day who bring you huge joy but a lot of stress. Why would you announce on a public blog you are a few weeks pregnant and may loose the baby, (your words) and then unfortunetly did. You seriously need to focus on the children you have and not the more you may think you want. Sorry but I was very disturbed when I read " we have no limit to the amount of kids we will have", you seriouly have reached over your limit, if you don't believe me, read back over all your own posts. Wishing you nothing but happiness, Debbie

  3. So Debbie, you hardly have time to do anything, yet you had the time to write a long negative message to someone you hardly know? You took time out of your busy busy day to talk down to someone....? Perhaps you should use your time more wisely and reflect on what kind of person, a mother of all ppl, talks down to someone else.

    I know Leah personally and I KNOW she is a good mother. Yes she has a lot of kids, and need I point out that having just ONE kid creates of course she's going to be stressed out. But does that mean she should give the kids back? or not show any more kids the love she's able to show? No. Its HER life, NOT yours. You have no idea what it's like to be a fly on her wall so you should really have no opinion on how many kids she should or should not have.

    And if she wants to share news of her pregnancy, even if it's early on, that's HER perogative. And if she loses her baby and wants to post that, that's HER perogative. Her FRIENDS are here to support her, no matter how many kids she has, no matter how many pregnancies she has or loses, no matter what. It's what friends do. We support. Nothing wrong with wanting to express yourself. After all, the 1st Amendment gave us that right.

    You should never judge a book by it's cover...especially when you have no earthly idea what the story is even about.

    End Rant.

  4. Debbie, really? We love to pray for others, and if someone is in need of prayer, example, pregnancy issues, isn't this a great way to express it? We can support our bloggie friends no matter what. I don't think that you are GOD and have all power and are all knowing. How do you know how much one person can handle? It takes a village to raise a family and SHE is in our village so you can just keep those lame comments to yourself!!!!!!! Didn't your mama ever tell you if you can't say anything nice, DON'T say anything at all? You have a bad mama if she never taught you that.
